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  • Responsible for building immediate and meaningful rapport with alumni and prospective donors

  • Utilize excellent communication and conversation skills

  • Overcome objectives to secure financial agreements

  • Meet and even exceed monthly statistical benchmarks

  • Callers are expected to work a minimum 3 shifts a week (1 on Sunday)


  • Manage the recruitment and hiring process; manage the application and application review process; schedule 2-part interviews (student manager interview and 2nd-round phone interview (Telefund Coordinator or Senior Manager).

    • It is NECESSARY for you to email those who did not pass the application process or interview process. Even though it is a sticky position to be, they deserve to know as soon as possible

  • Manage employee folders – ensure they are organized using the Employee Folder Checklist

  • Coordinate with OAG Office Manager on completion of new hires’ employment paperwork; employment paperwork is to be completed prior to first day of work

  • Maintain attendance spreadsheet and timesheets; double-check to ensure all timesheets are signed, hours are totaled, and time worked is recorded correctly prior to timesheet due date

  • Make sure the absence tally is up to date too, this can be found under the "FY17 HR" folder in the HR Manager folder

  • Transfer the subs and switches into the attendance in the FY17 folder. This makes the process of taking attendance during team talk all the more efficient and easy

  • Maintain communication with managers and Telefund Coordinator on position vacancies, recruitment and hiring, and mid-semester new caller training sessions

  • Work collectively with other student managers to ensure positive, motivating environment is maintained throughout the call center

    • As HR, other callers will not feel comfortable coming to you if you cannot be relatable to them. Be careful about bringing your outside issues into the work environment. We all have bad days, but you should not let this impact your ability to maintain even-headed and approachable

  • Make sure that you are engaging with as many callers as possible. You need to know everyone's names and a general background-people won't always open up and that is fine, but as long as there is an effort on your part that is fine

  • For MadCon Days: get the list of emails from PR and email them immediately a link to the Madison Connection webpage where they can fill out an application

  • Provide training and continuous coaching for all callers; regularly monitor callers and meet with them to provide feedback (immediately following their call)



  • Identify team-bonding and team-building opportunities for the callers; schedule events once a month throughout the semester

  • Maintain social media pages (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram) to enhance awareness about Madison Connection on the campus community

  • Advertise Madison Connection employment opportunities (i.e. email broadcast, Facebook posts, The Breeze, etc.); plan Madison Connection Day recruitment events throughout the semester in various locations on campus

  • Coordinate visits to clubs and organizations to generate awareness about Madison Connection and for recruitment purposes; create partnerships with campus organizations to increase awareness about philanthropy at JMU

  • Develop strategy to provide nightly motivation and a fun, positive environment for the callers. Come up with games to be used by all managers – encourage at least one game played per evening. Create rules and requirements for callers (i.e after 2 pledges, every 10 answering machines, etc.)

  • Work collectively with other student managers to ensure positive, motivating environment is maintained throughout the call center

  • Provide training and continuous coaching for all callers; regularly monitor callers and meet with them to provide feedback (immediately following their call)

  • Coordinate non-Madison Connection philanthropy opportunities to benefit the university and the community (i.e. food drive, MLK candle lighting ceremony presence/representatives, SAA event presence, The BIG Event, etc.)



Main Objective: Work closely with callers in order to analyze their calling habits and statistics in order formulate effective training techniques.

  • Conduct call monitoring

  • Work with callers following monitoring to directly address strong points and areas of improvement

  • Work with Statistics Manager in order to compare and contrast each callers stats with their call monitoring results



Primary Roles:

  • Fab 5 each week/month/semester

  • Talk with managers to help decide chair winners, chair winners can be determined for numerous reasons. Often times an improved caller or someone who picked up a lot of shits that week is a chair winner

  • Send weekly stats to each caller

  • Send mid semester and end of semester stats to team managers and Gretchen

  • Work with Gretchen to create incentives and ticket goals



Main Objective: Oversee the management team and work closely with the Assistant Director to develop strategies to ensure the overall success of Madison Connection

  • Create and orchestrate caller training program

  • Conduct new caller evaluations with the Caller Development Manager (CDM)

  • Review mid-semester evaluation sheets

  • Conduct end of the semester evaluations with the Assistant Director

  • Meet with the managers regularly and follow up on projects they are undertaking

  • Notify the Assistant Director on the status of manager projects

  • Review and evaluate caller scripts to ensure readability and accuracy

  • Report issues (technical, interpersonal or otherwise) to the Assistant Director

  • Plan All Caller Meeting speakers and work with the CDM to include a training component to the session

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